Keeping the faith

So, someone wants to buy from me. No. He did not send a legal or formal request. Just an email. I said no. Then he asked how much. I said no again. Then he tried to patronize me. Nice way to ask to ask someone to sell, bro. I would’ve given it some more thoughts. But man, I hate it when people are rude. I was the only OakMonster in town until someone went and coined the wine term. Or the term for the Oakmont golf course. And, of course, long before someone went and tried to make a...
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End of the World

As we were watching a documentary on a few ways that humanity could come to an end. You know, massive volcanic eruption. Nuclear War. Global Warming. That kind of thing. They mentioned asteroid collisions of the worst kind. Me: I’d totally go wait right there where the asteroid is going to hit. I’d rather having us die right there on the spot than ending having to eat each other…you know, not in a sexual way. Brandon laughs. Me: I mean, seriously though. I don’t want to suffer through the whole aftermath. I’d rather go with the first blow. Brandon: And...
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