Sing…sing a song

Sing. It’s good for your health. To lift my mood, I turn to those crazy Brits. Always look on the bright side of life. [whistle] Always look on the light side of life. [whistle] If life seems jolly rotten, There’s something you’ve forgotten, And that’s to laugh and smile and dance and sing. When you’re feeling in the dumps, Don’t be silly chumps. Just purse your lips and whistle. That’s the thing. And… Always look on the bright side of life. [whistle] Always look on the right side of life. Everybody now! [youtube=]...
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College Level Spanking

USC layeth the smacketh down on the protesting students old school style, ending a sit-in in mere hours. How did they do it? #1 – Threaten suspension. #2 – Call the kids’ parents. And here’s a reflection on the resolution of this generation of activists: “We were prepared for arrest, but not suspension,” said Ana Valderrama, a senior in philosophy. It’s getting harder every year to get in to USC and the tuition for one year can almost down pay a house. So hell yes, you’d better get your asses back to class or your parents will not hesitate to...
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Motherf**king Bono

Had to steal ‘Mazing Amy’s nickname for this rock star, humanitarian, cool ass motherfucker, my hero, for the title of the post. Motherfucking Bono is now a knight. Extremely appropriate. Irish rock star and global humanitarian Bono became a knight of the British empire Thursday — just don’t call him `sir.’ “You have permission to call me anything you want — except sir, all right? Lord of lords, your demigodness, that’ll do,” said Bono. I HEART Bono.  I really really do!...
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So much to say

Yet not enough time. I’ve found myself coming up with all of these things I want to share with you guys. The nuances of funnies. The interestingly psychotic rant on nonsensical stuff. An old poem I found scribbled on a back of a napkin from what feels like gazillion years ago in college. This. That. And other. But there is just not enough time. Or opportunity to do so. If I post 3 times a day, not to mention that I would raise much suspicion and ire from my bosses (hi Demi Boss and Lady Boss), but that feels too...
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The envelope please

With the newley discovered favorite Cinnamon Dolce latte in hand, I’m proud to post the Oscar nomination, fresh out of Hollywood. So far, I’ve been about 75-80% accurate even when I haven’t seen most of the movies listed. I will make my prediction later–which comes down to a will win and should win splits. You see, the arts of predicting the Oscars is NOT what YOU think is the best, but what the masses think. A lot of it has to do with marketing campaign and Hollyweird politics. My first prediction here? Meryl Streep will walk away with Prada although...
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