Yes. The Trojans beat Nebraska Cornhuskers to pulp yesterday 28-10. We didn’t have a good start to begin with, and on the 3rd drive of the game, this happened. Surely an injury that ends this season. Please all wish Ryan Powdrell the best. And pray for the Trojan offense to shape up after such loss. Also, even before the game, there was another kind of pain many of the current USC students experienced outside the Coliseum. Apparently USC sold 12,000 Activity Cards, essentially your season tickets for almost all home games, but only alloted 8,000 in the student section. The...
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WTF? …a little bit out of the blue, don’t you think?? [Brynn] Cameron and [Matt] Leinart dated while Leinart was attending USC. The two reportedly broke up last year, but still talk frequently. So…he knocked her up while they “talk frequently”? Oh yes. The USC Trojans Football returns this weekend. Expect to see the sudden increase in college ball talk for the next few months, y’all. 🙂...
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Lance Bass of `N Sync reveals he’s gay...
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First, regrets. Zidane apologizes for his behavior, but has no regrets. I don’t blame him. With all the dramatics those Italian boys put on, I’m sure they hold no punches when it comes to smack talking. But, it’s unreal to see a guy lost it like that in such an important game!! Second, lack of sleep. Nhien and I were at work at 10 p.m. last night. No dinner break. A few handful of Cheez-Its sustained us for a while. We were prepping for the event we had this morning which included moving 4 car loads of gift bags and...
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Italy. You rock. Technically, your defense did not let up. Sure, Zidane got the penalty kick for what many of us thought was a bad call. But that wasn’t because you, the great wall of Napoli, failed. Materazzi’s header was indeed spectacular. But to tell you the truth, France did play better in the second half. Italy was hanging back, holding down the fort but never really makes the good move forward. France kept beating down the door but didn’t get very far, obviously. Half way through the overtime, with Zidane in the game, I thought for sure France would...
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To tide me over for the past 2 days of no football, Tall Greg sent me this: Somalia Defeats Rwanda To Win Third-World Cup And now I’m watching in horror as Argentina is kicking Germany’s butt all over the field. Germany’s playing like their minds are elsewhere while Argentina wants to win so bad it hurts to watch them make mistakes. Will update on the score in a few minutes here as they’re going into a shoot-out. *UPDATE* Germany won in the penalty kick shoot-out, scoring 4 to Argentina 2. Yey!!! And the reason why I’m rooting for Germany is...
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