Kitty, anyone?

A French student in my apartment complex is going back to France in 2 weeks. He has a 5-month old boy orange kitty he needs to find a loving home for. Anyone in LA/Long Beach or Orange County area who would love to adopt this adorable, playful kitty, please either email me or leave a post. Thank you!...
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Road to Equality

44 people got on the bus and left San Francisco in a Crosscountry road trip toward Washington D.C. for Oct. 11 rally for same sex marriage, stopping to educate the country along their route. Just to be clear: I’m neither a republican or a democrat. I support whatever cause it is I believe is right. Besides, I can’t vote in this country yet. So my view doesn’t really counts…only if my view influences yours. So I support the President’s decision for standing up to the terrorists and sending out troops to go kick some ass out. I don’t agree that...
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Shout out

The Talon Theater network is buzzing. I’m now in touch with Kris Kelly and Cathy Carey, the 2 who directed “The Curious Savage”. Those two New Yorkers are in touch with a few more people from TT. Behold the power of the internet in connecting friends. Actually, I did write about that once. I submitted my article to my high school alumni newsletter, Wings, but I don’t think it was published. Well. Here it is. ==================== The Internet Connection There was a guy in my graduate class named Josh Mooney. I didn’t think about it too much at the time...
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All that Drama

I got a surprise in my email box today: an email about the 15th anniversary of my high school theater department, Santa Margarita High School’s Talon Theater. I owed SMHS theater department a lot of who I am today. It’s not to anyone surprise that I am a product of high school drama club. But what you didn’t know is that I didn’t want to get into it in the first place. Remember how we discussed me being self conscious? Imagine being 16, transferring to a white bread OC private school for your junior year from another country, knowing no...
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