She cooks. She sews. She celebrates!

While Brandon was down at Miramar with Justin and Erik, having a boy’s day out looking at planes at the air show and turning themselves into cooked lobsters, I labored away at my first part of my Halloween costume while watching Top Gear and Dr. Who marathon. Behold, the Jedi robe, made from scratch! Brandon helped me pin the bottom hem. It was curved so I couldn’t quite just measure 8-inch to cut all the way around and have the same length. My poor sun burned husband was at my feet, helping me shorten my robe. But it’s finished, finally....
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Arrr ye ready?

I have to wake up in about 5.5 hours. Finally, the sugar I have consumed while making and decorating my Devil’s Food Cake with Chocolate Rum Frosting has worn off. Oh, I made some marshmallow skulls and treasure chests…so I kinda had to eat the ones that didn’t look good. Heh. Talk Like A Pirate Day is tomorrow. Captain Bubbles be strikin’ dah investers’ meeting in her “Professional Pirate” outfit that oughtta shiver yer timber. Yarrrr! I’ll put the pictures of the Pirate cupcakes and the 2nd annual pig cupcakes up soon. I promise! In the mean time, I uploaded...
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2 new ones for yours truly. First, following the footsteps of Pondering Mumbling, I started a blog at the Nation website. That’s Thailand’s English language newspaper I used to write for a long, long time ago. I’ll be about life in the US v.s. in Thailand for a Thai expat. It’ll be more impulsive than my entries at Thai-Blogs, but ought to be entertaining. We’ll see just how long I can keep up with that one. So, I’m not going to put it on my blogroll just yet. Secondly, I have purchased the fabric for my Halloween costume. Yes, my...
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Blueprint for a dream

I dreamed that I was in Las Vegas on a school trip. My room actually had an upright piano in it, apparently by the school’s request, and overlooking the Strip. As I was settling in for the night, someone knocked on my glass door. I peered around the curtain, and there stood Fred and George Weasley. They weren’t tired and apparently they were also piano student. They wanted to hang out in my room since I had the piano AND the view. Everyone else’s room was facing the other direction. The next thing I knew, my room became a common...
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Okay. I’m done. *sigh* *sniffle* *sigh* The best in the series for sure. Order of Phoenix is still my least favorite so far. Whiny Harry just wasn’t becoming. It seems Kuri finished as well. Haven’t heard from Demi-Boss or Mazing Amy just yet. I’m sure they are not far behind. Email me if you’d like to discuss. 🙂...
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Chapter 6

Harry Potter arrived about 2 hours ago. I had one break so far. This is my second. At some point I’ll have to make dinner so I might as well take a breather now before I get in too deep. Will still avoid all internet and email contacts until I finish…hopefully maybe tomorrow morning. I’m a slow reader so sue me. ‘Mazing Amy is doing the same thing right now I am sure. 🙂...
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