First of all, some of the pictures are up on my Flickr set. Yep. There are some humor there too. More are coming as soon as I get around to upload the rest. It’s odd how during this very sad time for me and for my mom’s friends, we managed to find some humor along the way. Well, most of the funnies came from Team Khun Noi’s #1 Clown, Aunty Ray. Aunty Ray, one of my mom’s best friends, had a stroke several years ago but recovered beautifully. Her Donald Duck level temper and sharp wits are still intact. (Okay,...
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Aunty Sida wrote a beautiful eulogy for my mom. We were all in tears yesterday, proof reading the thing. I’m not sure if I can do justice translating, but I’ll try. Khun Noi was born on November 29, 1941. She was the third of four daughters of Mr. Suvit and Mrs. Lamiad in Surat Thani Province [in the south of Thailand]. Noi received her elementary education in Baan Poang district in Ratchaburi province, then to St. Joseph Convent School and Amporn Paisarn School in Bangkok. After graduating from high school, she continued her studies in the UK. With an associates...
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It’s strange to feel like a total stranger with your own family. I have been back 3 days now. Friends of mom’s, dad’s and brothers have been pouring in and out of the place. Everyone is buzzing about, working on the funeral details or talking to guests. And here I am, the usual Hostess of Everything, the Director of Fun, sitting awkwardly all by her lonesome just to get out of the way. Obviously, being the one far away when everything happened didn’t put me in the decision process. And not being resourceful in Bangkok also put me out in...
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Sawaddee my friends! Thank you for your messages. I left in such a big hurry and I couldn’t be more specific with the details. I apologize. First, the Red Cross Society. Here is the website. Please select “To support the Thai Red Cross activities”. The money will be going to the general fund. You can donate in USD. Once you click through the process, it’ll ask who you are donating on behalf of. Go ahead and say that it is in honor of Mrs. Chongdee Phromyothi. My mom is at Wat That Thong (at the foot of the Ekamai BTS...
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My mom passed away around 5:30 p.m. PST or 7:30 a.m. August 21 Bangkok time. I’m taking the 11 p.m. flight out tonight. It’s a non-stop from LAX to BKK so there will be no update until I get there. If you’d like to do anything, please check out Thai Red Cross Society website and make a donation. That’s my mom’s favorite charity. May it be meals for the infirm monks, or disaster relief. Whatever you’d pick. I’d link this for you guys but I don’t have time right now. Those in Thailand, we will be at Wat That Thong,...
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