It’s been a crazy weekend. But super fun. AND productive. First of all, Brandon has FINALLY came out of the severe sinus infection that he had. And with abundant energey fueled by cabin fever, he ran errands all over town for me on Friday. Because, you see, on Saturday, I threw a casual baby shower for a coworker and his girlfriend at my friend Amy’s house. I made these surprisingly gorgeous and delicious pasta carbonara tartlets and fruity modification of the Italian Scroppino (lemon sorbet + prosecco + splash of vodka). After all of that, I came running home to...
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NY Post Pop Wrap shows us this magical work by He Who Laughs. Chris Pine and Zach Quinto’s love child: Captain Spork. I love you…even if you’re not real. Happy Wednesday, everybody!...
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Last weekend in Florida was amazing. The weather was just like Thailand which I totally adore. A quick change from the dry California heat, I tell ya. We didn’t have a chance to adjust to the time change so we woke up too late each day to try to do anything. It’s pretty much Coconut Grove and the wedding. That was it. No South Beach here. We ate at Green Street Cafe twice. And I would seriously eat there for every single meal. I mean, with a mojito like that? I would be dangerous to live close to that joint....
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A lot has happened since last weekend. But most of them captured in photos. First, last Saturday we had the photography meet up in Lancaster with #Phototwop (@captures) for the Poppy Reserve hike and the Poppy festival. Unfortunately, we were much too late for the poppies except for a few patches on the side of the road. We still had a great picnic and a maniacal hike up a VERY windy hill. The next day, Brandon and I and his friends hit the Renaissance Faire as civilians. Armed with our cameras, we got our Ren Faire photo bugs out of...
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Took the idea from Will Wheaton’s tweet and ran with it....
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I have been submitting “Action Shots” to for a while now. C.H.I.M.P. Bunny here and Expendable there. So when the final purchase of my shirt-tastic shopping spree came in (I mean, Rock – Paper – Scissors – Lizard – Spock!? How could you NOT buy?), it took all of 5 minutes for us to set up this shot Brandon took, and for me to submit with suggested caption of “You Spocking to me?” Ladies and gentlemen, you are now looking at the winning portrait of’s Action Shot of April 2009. It didn’t take ThinkGeek team long to approve...
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