People who drive in the fast lane on the freeway going at the speed limit while everyone else is going faster AND won’t get over to let faster traffic pass. Same people in the carpool lane with a dozen cars stuck behind them AND won’t get over to let faster traffic pass. Self proclaimed health nuts who looked down upon you for enjoying bacon and butter but they go out to tan in midday sun without sunscreen. Same health nuts going all organic and fat-free but drink like alcoholics. Scientology. My former work place. Occasionally, my current work place. Extremists...
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On my bus last night, one of the ladies asked the other, “Have you been to the Fresh & Easy market?” “Oh my god, YES!” I chirped in. “I LOVE the place!” The lady looked at me, stunned for a second. “Oh, I was going to say the opposite.” Apparently, that might just be the opinion of most Americans of the brand new “neighborhood markets”, a creation of Tesco. The LA Times reported a few days ago claiming that the sales at F&E were 70% off mark. Folks don’t want to change their shopping habits. The lady on the bus...
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My car is now in the shop. I dropped it off last night and no only I didn’t get the rental car as promised, I didn’t get the courtesy shuttle ride either. Nobody told me if I get there after 6 p.m., the rental car place is closed and the shuttle service is over. Oh and they called me this morning, they asked me again if I wanted the fuel injection service. I said no already. Sheesh. Like that is not only enough aggravation, Brandon has gone and done this. ETA: Now that the day’s over…and trust me, part of...
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Before we left the house for the night of festivities on Thursday, I explained to Justin about my “Anti-Boy Goggles”. There is a difference in how guys treat me on nights out when I wear my usual glasses versus the contact lenses. Not that I often get hit on–I mean, what guys in their right mind hit on a flat-chested plain looking girl with glasses–but I feel like I go under the radar with the glasses. It’s like a cloaking device. Without it, suddenly people start to notice that I am around. Totally the Superman/Clark Kent thing. Glasses on, you’re...
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Brandon and I went to see Jumper at the Los Cerritos Center on Sunday. (Yes, even after I spent the entire day before in the theater, I willingly went back. Just don’t give me any popcorn.) We dutifully sat through the previews. (Yey, Indiana Jones!) The movie finally begun. Just after Hayden Christiansen’s character trudged home soaking wet after his first “jump”, about 5 minutes in, the little lights through out the theater started to flash brightly. A voice came on to tell us that there is an emergency and everyone please calmly exit the building through the emergency exits...
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So, someone wants to buy from me. No. He did not send a legal or formal request. Just an email. I said no. Then he asked how much. I said no again. Then he tried to patronize me. Nice way to ask to ask someone to sell, bro. I would’ve given it some more thoughts. But man, I hate it when people are rude. I was the only OakMonster in town until someone went and coined the wine term. Or the term for the Oakmont golf course. And, of course, long before someone went and tried to make a...
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