In Sickness

Brandon has been sick all weekend. And probably will be off his feet for a few more days. He has been trying to cut down on his sodas. So it was hard to figure out last week if his headache was a withdrawal headache, a migraine (which he does get occasionally), or a sinus pressure headache. By Friday it was apparent that it was his sinus. Imagine quarter your head from middle of the top of your head down to your cheekbones and out your face. That’s the area that hurts him and more so when he leans forward or...
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Manic Friday

My brain refuses to shut off. I am simultaneously working on plotting the route to the Port of Long Beach boat tour tomorrow, then what to take to the Long Beach Tweet Up potluck tomorrow night. Then planning a baby shower for my coworker next Saturday. Then updating my LinkedIn status and checking in on the long-abandoned MySpace. Then connecting my family with my beloved cousin who hasn’t been back to Thailand from New Zealand in YEARS. And I’m thinking about the Italian lessons I will be taking September and if I should start prepping for that with a dictionary...
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Sloth Flu

I almost literally slept through this week. Coming down with some kind of sickness, I was expecting that after 2 weekends of wind, sun, and mead.  I just didn’t quite expect it to hit so hard. Wednesday morning, I woke up with a sore throat and zero energy.  I called my boss and went back to sleep. I woke up for breakfast, made echinacea defense tea, and went back to sleep. I woke up to snack and shambled out to my cooking class with Aurora. (Link up soon.)  I came home, watched LOST, took Tylenol PM and went to sleep....
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Phototastic Friday: Monday Edition

A lot has happened since last weekend. But most of them captured in photos. First, last Saturday we had the photography meet up in Lancaster with #Phototwop (@captures) for the Poppy Reserve hike and the Poppy festival.  Unfortunately, we were much too late for the poppies except for a few patches on the side of the road.  We still had a great picnic and a maniacal hike up a VERY windy hill. The next day, Brandon and I and his friends hit the Renaissance Faire as civilians.  Armed with our cameras, we got our Ren Faire photo bugs out of...
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Phototastic Friday: Winning Geek

I have been submitting “Action Shots” to for a while now.  C.H.I.M.P. Bunny here and Expendable there. So when the final purchase of my shirt-tastic shopping spree came in (I mean, Rock – Paper – Scissors – Lizard – Spock!? How could you NOT buy?), it took all of 5 minutes for us to set up this shot Brandon took, and for me to submit with suggested caption of “You Spocking to me?” Ladies and gentlemen, you are now looking at the winning portrait of’s Action Shot of April 2009. It didn’t take ThinkGeek team long to approve...
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