Happy Halloween!

Pictures from last night festivity.

Yes, we did drive all the way to Simi Valley for a Halloween party…which we were the only folks who actually dressed up except for one other and 3 kids. Well, Steve was in costume technically as an HSX Employee, wearing the customized t-shirt from the olden days of HSX.

Dan handed me a shot of someone’s homemade honey liquor to warm me up. So off came the coat. Another hour past, and I needed another shot. As I hunted for something to shoot, a party guest asked what I was looking for, “Just looking for something to warm me up a little.”

“Try some clothes,” chimed in some chick.


Then again, I sensed much bitterness from the female population at the party. Between Rhonda’s ample cleavage and my prancing around in bikini top, I could see why. We’re both married though. Like we’re a threat to anybody.

But they chose NOT to dress up. It was THEIR choice not to get their ho on, dressing all sexy and slutty like, on the one day of the year that you could totally get away with it without being called a ho. Your loss. Not mine.

The costumes definitely set us apart from the crowd. That, and the fact that we only know Dan and Steve at the party. Us costumed folks were a tad bit ostracized to our own little corner. It was as if by wearing costumes we were the freaks of the party and nobody wants to talk to us much. Heh.

But you know what, we haven’t seen Dan in a long time. We were grateful that he invited us to his humble abode to the Halloween party, which is actually Dan’s birthday party in disguise! Wiley that Dan! All of that was worth the trip.

Amazingly, we got from Long Beach to the Valley in about 40 minutes each way. Who woulda thunk that Merlin, my 96 Corolla, could be driven at such speed. With Brandon at the helm, it seems anything is possible.

The crew came back to our place to watch Hellboy to cap off the night of fun. I folded early though, crashing down hard from shots and sugar wearing of.

ON A TANGENT: Did we mention that Lauren brought her kitten Mela with her? We’re having a total blast with both of them!


  1. 'Mazing Amy   •  

    You guys look FABULOUS!

    I’ll post pics of our Halloween sometime on Monday. We had so much fun!

  2. Chris Holland   •  

    I’ll second Amy’s praise! U guys were aaaabsolutely THOOOOOPER FAAAABULOUS. And let’s be honest here, does it not make it orders of magnitude more fun when other chicks are jealous of you? 8)

    For having attended 3 halloween-themed gatherings starting last thursday, all i gotta say is … GOD BLESS HALLOWEEN AND CHIX WIT’ THEIR HO’ ON.

    i’ve tried getting my ho’ on in the past. getting shot gets old though 🙁

  3. OakMonster   •  

    Aw come on now, Frenchy. I’ve seen how you’ve ho’d your bad self on the dance floor. 😉

    Thanks for stopping by my humble blog, btw.

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