Through the sheriff deputy at Brandon’s work, Brandon and I are gathering materials and monetary donation to get stuff to the Marines scout/snipers in Iraq. The deputy belongs to the USMC Scout/Sniper Association, and the stuff will be shipped out in bulk in a few weeks through the Association.
We are handing our donations to the deputy by Tuesday, November 16. Why so soon? 2 reasons. First, we’re leaving for Thailand on the 18th. And secondly, in order for the troops to get the packages for the holidays, it’d have to go out by early December.
-The following is the list from the deputy. The ones in italic is my own addition from my research.
- Toothbrushes & toothpaste. Those Crest “Brush Up” things are pretty neat too.
- T-shirts & socks
- Gun cleaning gear
- Cookies/ crackers
- Sun glasses
- Bandanas
- Fingernail clippers
- Small canned goods (meat, fruit, etc.) The pop-tops are better. Easier for them to eat in the field.
- Handy wipes (showers are seldom)
- Current periodicals
- Sunscreen/ lip balm
- Zip lock baggies
- Phone cards so they can call home.
- AA batteries for their comfort electronics.
- Letters. Yes, letters. The troops like to hear from the folks back home. Write a note to them, talking about the weather, sports, life in general.
So if you’d like to participate, please let me know ASAP via this blog or email.
Thank you, and from Brandon, Semper Fi.