Amy said I should fill one of these out. Who am I to disobey my Trojan sister?
Song that sounds like happy feels:
- Walking On Sunshine – Katrina and The Waves. I related that song to the scene from “Look Who’s Talking”. Never fail to put a smile on my face.
- From Me to You – the Beatles
- Divine Disco Trio: You’ve Got the Best of My Love, Got to Be Real, and I Will Survive.
Earliest musical memory:
- Mamere Angela recorded me singing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” to use for the next generation kindergarteners. She said I sang without an accent. Haha! But I grew up in a household filled with music of John, Paul, George, Ringo, Elvis, Karen and Richard. And other golden oldies.
Last CD you bought:
- I am mostly a pirate. The last CDs I legitimately bought would be Tony Bennett & K.D. Lang duet and James Taylor’s September Grass.
Reminds you of school:
- Elementary School: Last Christmas – Wham! For Christmas show, we tried to choreograph a dance routine on roller skates but the teachers wouldn’t let us use skates on stage. My brother wanted to be a rocker so there was Bon Jovi’s I’ll be there for you. British invasion of Jason Donovan and Rick Asley.
- Junior High: Love is all around – Wet Wet Wet. Kokomo – Beach Boys. Actually, in US terms 9th grade would be high school, but back home it was junior high. Again, another stage show. It was a mother’s day musical. Kokomo played in the background as our ungrateful rag-to-riches daughter fought with her producer boyfriend and then got dumped on the side of the road. Why did we pick this song? Beat me! I think we were all in love with “Cocktail” at the time.
- High School: Brass Monkey – Beastie Boys. Blister in the Sun – Violent Femme. Brown Eye Girl – Van Morrison. Keep them Separated – Offspring. Green Day’s Doogie. This Is How We Do It – Montel Williams. And yes, the Spice Girls’ first album.
- College: Anything Oasis or Bush. Alanis’ Jagged Little Pill album. Dave Mathew’s Crash album. And a few odd choices here. Yanni Live at Acropolis was my paper writing music, and As I Lay Me Down by Sophie B. Hawkins because someone in my dorm ALWAYS had that song set as alarm for their afternoon nap.
Total music files on your PC:
My own favorite stuff: 831 files. Our common share MP3 drive: 4,823 files
Song for listening to repeatedly when depressed:
- Carole King’s Far Away
- Alanis’ That I Would Be Good
- Fiona Apple’s Never is a Promise. Actually, the whole damn Tidal album would work.
Song that sounds British, but isn’t:
- Um. Well. Early Backstreet Boys stuff sounds like British boy bands before them?
Song you love, band you hate:
- I’m with Amy on this one: Backstreet Boys’ I want it that way.
- Britney Spears’ Sometimes
A favorite song from the past that took ages to track down:
- Groove Theory’s Tell Me. I didn’t know either the band or the song. One day it was on late night TV CD offer and I caught it.
Bought the album for one good song:
- Don’t think I ever bought one for just one song. I have made it a policy before buying an album that I need to like at least 3 songs before making the purchase. Closest to that loss would be Lonestar’s Lonely Grill. Bought it for “How About Now” and “Tell Her”. The rest of the CD was crap.
Worst Song to Get Stuck in your Head
- Gosh I had that one song from a Gap commercial stuck in my head for DAYS. Something from the 80s I think. And it turned out someone else was humming the same damn song at work too. Gosh, what song was that?? Kudos to whoever know what song I’m talking about.
Best song to dump a beer on someone’s head to, then storm out of the bar?
- Smack my bitch up – Prodigy
- Psycho – System of a Down (for full effect, beat bottle over head repeatedly in rhythm with “psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy, psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy…”)
- American Woman – Either version. Hehee.
Who should do this next?
- Sydney, artist formerly known as Lauren