Before Blogger crapped out yesterday afternoon, I was going to blog one of the most EXCITING moment of my life.
You know how I’ve been looking up to keep my eyes on the ghetto birds flying around this area. I heard the low rumbling sound, so I looked up in anticipation for a helicopter.
Instead, a B2 bomber flew over the Union Bank building in front of me–a block away and not much higher than the building–banking slightly westward. I saw its belly.
The B2 bomber. In front of my eyes. I could almost touched it. If it wasn’t for my ghetto bird paranoia, I wouldn’t have seen it making its way to, I’d assume, LA AFB, after the fly-by at Dodgers stadium.
Wow. A bomber. Much cooler than seeing a Blue Angel doing a loop around Long Beach.
Are there other forums/blogs that are more specific for this topic? I have not found one.