I wrote a quick comment to the Nation about Jack Osbournes’s triumph over a Thai boxer. (Scroll down for “‘The Man’ in Osbourne match was a 40-year-old”). And I got a reply in support, even. (“Boxing victory not quite what it seems”)
I wrote a quick comment to the Nation about Jack Osbournes’s triumph over a Thai boxer. (Scroll down for “‘The Man’ in Osbourne match was a 40-year-old”). And I got a reply in support, even. (“Boxing victory not quite what it seems”)
Hey! Followed your blog from a link on thai-blogs when you first posted there. Wanted to say I like your writing, and have been compelled to write you for some time. Am also a Thai married to an American, living in CA! Cheers, A
Thank you for coming by, whoever you are. 🙂