I was out with Brandon and his coworkers Jim and Eric yesterday. A beat up truck came by, trying to sound all vroom-vroom look at me my engine’s loud, but it didn’t sound like a vroom from a healthy engine. So Eric started ripping on how that guy would be trying to pick up chicks with that car.
Eric: Yeah, he’d be like, “Baby, do you like cars?”. “Yeah, whatever that can get me away from you?”
Oakley: So you hear that line a lot, eh?
E: No. Actually, I *use* that line a lot. You know, all the unwanted attention from chicks. Women are constantly hitting on me.
O: With what, a stick?
There was a heartbeat of silence before the guys exploded into “Oooooooohhhh!” and laughter.
Yeah. I owned. 🙂