We’ve been at Terri’s office since 8:30. I’ve finished my XHTML exercise for my Dreamweaver class in 30 minutes. But Brandon’s still working on Terri’s systems. Oy!
Long day at work continues. By tomorrow lunch time I should be done with all of this. The Big Boss walked his article over to me at 5:28. And that was the last piece of the puzzle. Still, I have that and another article from the demi-boss to adjust. Then, off to the local copy/print place by noon. Laser proof gets back a few hours. Once we okay that, I’m off the hook.
And what a weekend to be off the hook. We’re closed on Friday for Veterans’ day. And to start that weekend off right, my girls and I are dining at a Mexican restaurant. Margaritaville for meeeee!
It’s 11:32 p.m. now. And yep. We’re still here. Dear lawd. I’ll be napping on the way into town tomorrow.