After School and Special Bowl

Obviously, I’m trying to beat jetlag by making myself as tired as possible.

Then again, I have a lot I wanted to do on the computer tonight. So, that’s good for me. Bad for the lonely boy in my bed. Hehe.

A few more blog of notes I’m rolling.

First, my dear friend Olaina at Olaina After School. I got her blogging a few weekends ago. And here she is!

Olaina has been going through a lot lately, and I am glad to get her online to share her thoughts and experiences. Yet, another place for people to come by to tell her she’s loved! You will find yourself cheering on for my artist friend very soon yourself.

Then, there’s Mark. You decide if you want to visit a page that is called ;-D

Mark is also known in our household as “Bowl”, shorted for “Big Bowl”. No, it’s not for the bowl you (or he, actually) would smoke, but it’s from yet another inside story.

Back in the dot com day, Mark was network administrator. One night, he caught some guy trying to remote into the company server, so Mark promptly shut the guy down. Somehow, they got into some kind of back and forth conversation over the network.

The “intruder” claimed that the company’s exec allowed him to use this server. Mark was the god of the server as far as he knew and no one informed him of such privilege. The exchange became heated, and Mark’s last word to the guy was, “Sir, why don’t you go and have a big bowl of dicks.”

The next morning came the clarification. Indeed the exec let his friend use the network without letting the network admin knew ahead of time.

So, there you go with the explanation of why we called Mark, Bowl. Somehow Brandon managed to be titled “Little Bowl” after Mark’s “Big Bowl”. And then “Bowl” also becomes a greeting among us instead of hello.

Yeah, we’re weird like that. ;-D

1 Comment

  1. KorBua   •  

    hahaha what did Mark say when he found out? Big bowl… hahaha. This is great. 😛

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