I am a lot of things. Among them…
A kid.
I’m [holds out 7 fingers] this many! Heeheee.
A wife.
A friend.
A daughter.
A blogger.
A dork.
A geek.
Never could be 100% pure geek but I damn sure am geekier than probably 90% of the population
A musician.
Musically inclined is more the term.
An artist.
Not quite there either, but I keep thinking I am one.
A super efficient worker bee.
Ain’ t that right, Demi-Boss and Lady Boss? ;-D
A pop culture fiend.
“Best Week Ever”…how have I ever lived without you before!
A movie snoot.
Has retreated into the closet a bit, but still manage to bring home some that weird Brandon out.
A beer snob.
I can only drink one so I HAVE to make it count.
A goofball.
A USC Trojan.
Fight on!
But only recently have I come to realize that I am one more thing.
I am a blossoming foodie.
Foodie – UrbanDictionary
A person that spends a keen amount of attention and energy on knowing the ingredients of food, the proper preparation of food, and finds great enjoyment in top-notch ingredients and exemplary preparation. A foodie is not necessarily a food snob, only enjoying delicacies and/or food items difficult to obtain and/or expensive foods; though, that is a variety of foodie.Foodie – Wikipedia
Some gourmets would not consider themseleves foodies and many foodies would not consider themselves gourmets. A foodie might easily get caught up in a taco hunt—a search for the best taco stands and trucks in an area. But this would not be an adventure for a gourmet, strictly speaking. Generally speaking, a foodie is a person who has a special interest in food, even foods that a self-identified gourmet would turn his or her nose up at.
I. Love. Food. I love to eat it. I love to cook it. Cooking makes me happy. Cooking is my de-compressor. Cooking makes me happy.
I am in no way a gourmet. I don’t know all of the gourmet food talk or what wine is fine, but I know the magic of bacon and butter and what wine tastes good to me. Fois gras is just as big of a treat as downhome chicken fried steak!
While people would spend money on their hobbies–like Paul on fixing up classic roadsters and Brandon with games–the only money I spend on is food. Not even on the gadget, but mostly on grocery. I enjoy feeding people.
I was telling someone about my passion about food, just like how I have just told you now. THAT was when I realize…
OMFG…I am a newbie foodie!
I’m a foodie too!!! 🙂
I thought you were gonna say
I always knew you had it in you!
Have you heard of the Gourmet’s Diary of a Foodie on PBS (http://www.diaryofafoodie.org/)? I keep missing it… so I’m going to tape the next episode.
Happy Halloween!