Public Enemies

Once again, following the lead of Rude Cactus, may I please present Public Enemy #2?

Bill Maher dressed up as Steve Irwin with sting ray’s sting in his chest.

Public Enemy #1 would be Rush “Fucktard” Limbaugh.

Now, Public Enemy #3 came in from Thailand via Little Miss KorBua.

Model Nights are stupid.

Bangkok hot spots started a trend of Model Night when “models” show up for free booze while other patrons pay usual fare just to be in the same room. Yep. Using the Honeys to attract the Bar Flies. And the “models” are not necessarily anyone big. Like Daniel of Metroblogger called them, the Z-Listers. Unfortunately, if you’re not a model on Model Night, things would be a lot less pleasant for you.

Retarded? Indeed. I’m all about equal opportunity partying!

And finally, not a public enemy but my own worst.

My stomach.

I’m homebound today. Heading out to the doctor in a few minutes.

The good doctor took a vial of blood to test for ulcer bacteria. She thinks that might just be it. In the meantime, I am to take Prilosec twice a day and eat bland food until further notice. I pray we have it all resolved before my birthday. I’d REALLY REALLY want to drink! LOL.

And speaking of drinking, now that I have to get off of alcohol for a few days, I hope I could build up the alcohol tolerance back up in 2 weeks as well.

Gosh…old age!


  1. Token Asian   •  

    Oh, no…not H-pylori!!!!! Stress will do it to ya. Take it easy on yourself, Oakz. No more watching Trojan football!!!!!! ;-p

  2. KorBua   •  

    thanks for the link na ka… it’s just something stupid about treating people differently. i just dun get the businesses. even if they have a good reason, i still think it’s wrong anyway to do that kind of discrimination. 🙁 it’s bad. it’s bad for the society in the long run as well as it creates some kind of silly values. 🙁 *sigh*

    hope ur feeling better before ur b’day. going through a b’day without drinking is no fun. unfortunately i won’t be drinking this year also as i will have to stay sober for the next morning for the uni trip somewhere into the jungle. 😛 hahahaha

  3. Rude Cactus   •  

    Hope the tests come back fine! Couldn’t agree more with your list of asshats.

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