Discovery #1
The slow cooked smothered pork chops (recipe from Cook Country magazine) with mashed potatoes has become another meal that Brandon would actually eat as leftover. The other stuff he’d eat as leftover are our spaghetti and turkey meat sauce, chicken or bacon fried rice, pasta salad with ham and cheese, and leftover Thai food. Occasionally, he’d have leftover pizza.
You see, Brandon is not big on leftover. One meal. That’s it. That is also why he doesn’t like restaurants that give you ginormous proportion like Claim Jumper. His eating habit makes it a little difficult for me as most recipes make 4-6 servings. Usually, the leftovers become my lunch. Eva and Celeste also bring in their leftovers, so on many occasions we would feed each other our abundant leftovers or we’d split everything among ourselves.
On the upside, his eating habit allows me to experiment and find more things to cook up. Fun for me!
Decision #1
Finish working on updating, or rock out on the piano? And then I still have to wrap up Shane’s website with pictures and things.
Bah! I have the entire 4-day weekend to work on our own site. As for Shane, there’s tomorrow! I had quite a long day. I need a break too. 🙂
Discovery #2
Well, I’ve posted their links on my blogroll for a while now, but I have not properly introduce the addition to the Thai Voices section. I came across Matt the Lost Boy and Metroblogging Bangkok (especially Daniel) through Kitty and KorBua.
I swear, hanging out (virtually–no less) with those 2 Thai younguns are making me hipper by the minute! LOL.
Decision #2
Should I bring lunch tomorrow and join the ladies? Or take my free lunch coupon over to the Daily Grill and perhaps doing lunch solo? Hmm…
hehehe ur already young… and ur heart is young too! 🙂
leftovers r usually my lunches and dinners whenever my parents r out of town. i seriously need to learn how to cook properly. yesterday tried to make spaghetti… not so bad… but couldn’t finish all so i saved some for today. lucky me! i didn’t have to go out for lunch. 🙂
Glad to meet you!