All it takes

…was 2-3 weeks of complete and total stress to break someone down.

Yep. You guessed it. My usual complete system crash is here.

Yesterday was the peak of stress, I can tell you. I arrived at the meeting at 6:15 for the set up call at 6:30, and of course being half awake, I promptly locked my keys in the car at the valet. Thank god for locking myself out before 7 a.m. because tow truck/locksmith from Hollywood got to Downtown LA in 15 minutes. Phew!

Ah, the lovely adrenaline and got me started and kept me going for most of the day!

Then in the afternoon, I trekked across town to Beverly Hills to help another organization at their event. All it took was one classic car to break down on the left lane on 2-lane Wilshire to generate 4 car-length per minute jam that backed up for at least 2 miles. They were supposed to feed us dinner, but I figured if I ate, I’d never make it home awake.

So at 19th hour of being awake, I made it home, through dinner of a bowl of soup and not much else.

This morning, obviously, I woke up feeling as if I singlehandedly pushed that Beverly Hill roadster off to the side of the road or something. Everything ached. The back spasm I thought was because I wore my tall chunky boots all day didn’t quite go away either.

Much fun already.

Oh, and this weekend? Social calendar is packed again. And Brandon is off to DC on Monday.


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