Runaway train

…oh god. My social calendar is about to run off the frickin’ track.

Hi. I’ve just gotten home tonight after a happy hour with my coworkers and some other new friends like El Heffe, Robb and Al the Dancing Fools from Girls Night Out, and newer friends I made at the bar, Joe Trojan and Morgan the Hater. I even ran into that one dude who came out drinking with us once at the Edison…whatever his name was. (Sorry, man.)

So yeah. Last Friday, I was turning into a pumpkin somewhere on the 605 after dropping Celeste off. We had a blast at girls night out. I have some pictures from the night, but nothing incriminating…because lord knows who read this thing. Hehe.



5 nights later, I’m back in Downtown, having a great time, getting to know people at the Library Bar. Mike the Owner and Carlos the Bartender are the coolest dudes. Ever. Love them boys! Our usual group came down, had a blast and left by 7:30, leaving behind me, Celeste and her posse Kim and Ernie. And I drove the gang home.

Well, there went Hump Day. 🙂

Friday night, 18 of us are going to see Avenue Q at the Ahmanson.

Saturday night, as much as I’d love to stay home and watch USC play Stanford, I’ll be in Fullerton at the annual Orange County Police Canine Association’s Benefit Show in Fullerton. (You should come! It’s a LOT of fun.) Oh, and I got invited to 3 other things on that same day about the same time. The gods of my social life totally had too much coffee.

Sunday, I managed to get a handful of former colleagues from the dot com days to gather in Santa Monica.

Monday morning, off to the temple with Aunty Tim to commemorate my mom’s 50th day of passing. Actual day would be Wednesday, but I have Monday off. Columbus Day, baby! Gotta love being on County schedule.

And then the rest of the week is crazy, crazy, FUCKING CRAZY work schedule. Less than one month now to my gala event! With the exception of Wednesday menu tasting at the hotel. THAT, I’m actually looking forward to.

Anyways. Rude Cactus was talking about not having anything to post on his site today. But hey, he has a hell of a lot more readers/commentors to keep the thread going over there.

Me? I got too much to talk about and so little time.

But y’all help me on this one and remind me to tell you about my dream the other night about Michael Weatherly aka Tony DiNozzo from NCIS, okay? Remind me. Promise? Good.

1 Comment

  1. Korbua   •  

    parties parties parties… something i hardly know! 😛 hahaha hope when ur back in bkk again… u’ll come out with me and the cat! 🙂

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