It’s a fashion fate, really.
Friday morning, I found myself at a loss as to what t-shirt to wear to work on casual Friday. And I have LOTS of t-shirts. However, some of them starting to get old, as in boring.
Having been introduced to Threadless a while back by Rude Cactus (also @rudecactus), I popped in just in time for their spring sale and got a couple of shirts for $5 and $10.
Cute, eh?
Then yesterday, I checked the mail and the t-shirt I’ve won from a contest put on by LA2Day Magazine a while ago arrived. It’s a Worn Free and it kicks major ass!
Retail price for one of these Worn Free puppies? $45. And I got it for free. (Of course, I’m giving them kudos. I’m not ungrateful…) This is now possibly the most expensive piece of clothing I own…not counting the winter coats.
I’m not going to hurt for a new t-shirt for a while.