Wise word from UK government during WWII. The propaganda poster that went missing since which had just resurfaced back in 2000. Nowadays, you see it in all shapes and forms. Like these guys.
Cupcake: The Lobster Pot / Rock: The Poster List
I have a copy printed out with a smiley face wearing the crown, and posted in my office to look at. Because, just like everyone else, some days you need a little bit of a mantra to get you through. (And yeah, the view does help a little bit.)
Outside of the office in the tower, things do get crazy, people do get mean, and life does go off the rails. Sometimes the combination of all of that just makes I want to throw myself out that very window I look out on. But as long as I am keeping calm and carrying on, I’m moving forward. Keep the forward momentum going, working with what I’ve got, and don’t look back.
However, I have learned my lesson in carrying on mindlessly. Exactly what I did when I went off the reservation a few years ago when my mom died.
I pushed through the pain of losing my mother, put on a front of strength, and bulldozed my way through it all. Meanwhile I left Brandon behind in my wake, hurt, and all I did was looking over my shoulder and told him to suck it up and keep pace.
It wasn’t a good place to be. That version of keeping calm and carrying on was absolutely selfish and hurtful.
You live. You learn. And you do better next time.
Now that I’m back in the “Shield Up, Warp Speed” mode once again for a reason I can only reveal to you in person, I want to be mindful where I step.
I want to make sure my march forward in life doesn’t cause any trouble for anyone this time around. And instead of clamming up and carrying on by myself like I did in the past, I have reached out for help and guidance.
And so far, I have been very fortunate to have great friends and wonderful mentors. My friends came through like Gandalf at first light outside of Helm’s Deep. Full of light and hope…and air of victory.
And then Brandon held me and told me everything is going to be alright.
Keep calm and carry on.
It’s better to do that with friends helping you out.
OMG! I found your blog…I still have the ‘keep calm and carry on’ hanging on my wall…thank you for your friendship…love ya!