The Best of Me

Smiley Puppy - Photo from

I’m never going to be a billionaire CEO with my picture on the cover of a magazine.

I’m never going to make it on any Top 10 list.

I’m never going to have millions of followers on social media.

I’m never going to sing like Christina Aguilera.

Okay, I’m never to sing like any professional singer anywhere.

I’m never going to be instantly recognized by the public at large.

I’m never going to be rich. Or famous.

I don’t have that kind of drive or ambition.

I don’t have that need to climb the ladder.

But what I do have is passion, gratitude, and love.

I am passionate about making stuff: food, music, costume, connections.

I am passionate about my work, my hobbies, and most of all, my life.

I may never be a lot of things but I will always be grateful for what I have and what I have to give.

I will always be curious, kind, and honest.

I will always be generous especially when it comes to giving out second chances.

I will always commit random act of gifting.

I will always laugh out loud, sing even if I’m off key, and dance even if I’m the only one dancing.

I will always make inappropriate comments and curses colorfully.

I will always be mischievous and aim to misbehave.

And even that, I will always have love in my heart.

Despite all of my flaws, I will always be the best possible version of myself.

Because my mom would be really disappointed if I turned out to be a famous, successful gazillionaire who clawed her way to the top with utter disregards for other people, and was a dick to everyone.

OakMonster - Be the best you can be - Snoopy

1 Comment

  1. Renee Dobbs   •  

    Such a heartfelt and honest post. Keep on being true and honest and enjoying everything you do!

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