So yeah, I’m at home. Doing stuff on the computer is the best thing to keep me awake at the moment. I drove out to get lunch, but on my way back sleep was creeping up on me. I could feel it in the back of my head. So, the local grocery store was my last stop instead of Trader Joe’s as I originally planned. I didn’t want to fall asleep at the wheel. Brace yourselves kids. This is going to be a long one. The flight back was pleasant all together. Minutes after we landed in Hong Kong, it...
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The sky finally opened up in Bangkok. Well, not too much but enough to keep everything damp on and off since yesterday’s afternoon. Tong ditched us 3 times in 3 days so far. This is new to me but apparently she’s been doing that to Joy and Lily for quite sometimes now. Let’s see. She was going to try to come out to girls dinner (part I) on Sunday night, but didn’t make it. Her mom wasn’t happy about her going out. Okay, that’s typical of her woes. So she made plans with me and Lily on Monday to go...
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Hi kids, I’m here in Bangkok. I miss the terrorism threat shenanigan completely. As in, my brother told me about it when I landed. Thank goodness I packed with many gallon-sized Ziplock bags. They may be come in handy. ;-D Bangkok is hot but not too bad. A lot like LA a few weeks ago. It finally rained last night. But the sky is constantly in the shade of light gray to dark gray. Not much of the sky to see in this rainy season. Mom is doing better than I thought. They switched one of her meds and suddenly...
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I got home and Brandon came to pick me up and off we went to dinner and drinks with some friends at EJ Malloy’s in Long Beach. First there were James and Shane who played frisbee golf with Brandon earlier. Jim met them there. I had a plate of fish and chips, a beer, a second beer when Lupe got there, and split a brownie sundae with everyone when Paul turned up and Jim and James left. Brenda and Jon came in for a good last little bit of my beer and then we too left. But man, I needed...
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We had such a good time at work today! Once again, I ran the company potluck and this time it was the Endless Summer Potluck and Hawaiian Shirt Friday. To my amazement, most of the folks got into the spirit and donned their best Alohas. One coworker brought in his Tiki wood totem for decoration and shared with me his Hawaiian music CD. I ripped the CD and put them on my Sensa MP3 player along with my choice picks of Jack Johnson, “Lime and the Coconut” song, Moby’s “Porcelain”, and Elvis Greatest Hits. It wouldn’t be a Hawaiian event...
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Just got back from spending an entire day in Pasadena with Celeste a while ago. I was supposed to go to Nhien’s party in Glendale at 7:30 but by 6 p.m. I was beat. Let’s see here. 11:30 – Got to Celeste’s place. 12:15 – Got to the salon in Pasadena. Met Mary Ann, the stylist, Celeste’s good friend. 12:30 – Done with shampooing and having my glass of wine. 2:00 – Done with hair cut and styling. 2:15 – Settled in for lunch at Groucho Grill. Had my first Quilmes, Argentine beer. Yumm…. 3:00 – Mary Ann joined us...
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