5 Thoughts I really must remember to make some eggs for my Meatless Tuesday. I was going mad without the protein. Hungry OakMonster means a cranky OakMonster. It’s been a rough day at work I have to say. Hungry OakMonster also means I usually end up making horrible food choices, either too much fried things or too much dairy. Today it was fried things. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I miss riding my bike. But there is NO WAY I’d ride this week in this weather. Holy hell, it’s way too hot, windy, AND dry for that! But more...
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5 Thoughts God I’m tired. A horrible allergies that started up right before bed demanded Nyquil. My nose seems to know when the Santa Ana wind is coming. I think Nyquil + all the booze I had at the Faire might have made my sleep all kinds of wonky, that’s why I’m so tired after 9 hours of sleep. Quantity is so not quantity this night. My body demands that I have carbs. I crave carbs. All kinds of carbs. Must have carbs. The Santa Ana wind is blowing again, interfering with my bike commute plan and hurting my sinus....
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5 Thoughts Need to eat 7 times a day is easy when you’re at a Renaissance Faire, I tell you. There’s food EVERYWHERE and tavern at every corner! And I want to eat EVERYTHING! Fortunately for me, there’s only so much cash in my wallet… …and even less room underneath my underbust corset. LOL Seriously. There must be a study somewhere about how women get drunk faster and/or feeling the effect of alcohol more while wearing a corset. I had 2 drinks and I was well schnookered when I got home. How about that Tyrion Lannister, eh? What a bad ass. Today’s...
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5 Thoughts I’ve been looking forward to sleeping in ALL WEEK since I woke up at 7:30 for no apparent reason last Sunday. But the problem with sleeping in is that you have less time in a day to eat, and therefore interfering with my schedule. For instance, I woke up at 10 today and that’s about 30 minutes after my usual time for Second Breakfast. If I have to choose between sleeping in and failing my challenge, I think I’m choosing sleeping in. Does that make me a bad Hobbit? Saturday morning fridge is usually pretty empty and that’s...
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5 Thoughts ….well, screw the five thoughts for today. I have ONE major rant. Whoever said that keeping a food journal and tracking your calorie intake is good for your diet must really and truly hate food, and therefore hate life. I mean, look at me. I have NEVER felt guilty about my food choices or what I eat. For the past few days, I have been anxious and upset over the fact that I’ve exceeded the 1,550 calories per day limit MyFitnessPal had given me. Sure, I gave myself room to be able to go up to 1,773 as...
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5 Thoughts The hardest part about logging my food is not knowing the exact portion of anything. For all I know, that piece of beef jerky could be only half ounce. But what do I know? Let’s put in a full ounce. How do people usually do this? Is there a portable scale they carry around that I don’t know about? Anyways, I think I might have over/under-calculated some items. But I know for a fact that… …eating out could really wreck your diet. There are healthy options, sure. I looked at it and I was like, seriously? I’m DINING...
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