Runneth Over

It’s funny how I came up with this long, insightful entry on the bus home the other day which you guys will get to read in the next few days. I felt happy with life. Content. Everything was going well. It’s because I walled up everything else so well I even forgot that there is a wall. Last night after a few trigger events, like the Berlin Wall, my emotional guard came tumbling down, and took with it my immune systems. So, here I am. Sick and overwhelmed. Some of you may have noticed that I have not talked about...
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Eye Opener

Just as I’m starting to get comfortable being one of the girls–you know, with the girls night out and all of that–I suddenly realize that there *is* a reason why I prefer the company of dudes over girls a lot of times. Gossips. The dude’s being vulgar and insensitive, I can handle. It’s a dude thing. Even with them, once in a while all the “Holy Hooters!” becomes too much. But that doesn’t bug me as much as the constant barrage of gossip. Yes, being a girl, I gossip here and there. And yes, I enjoy hearing stuff here and...
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What the frell???

*UPDATE* I did email the folks and complain. So did Richard, owner of Thai-Blogs. They finally took down my “devil goes to work” picture. At least they’re civil, thank god! Look whose picture turned up on Khmer440 – Cambodia bars, restaurants, travel and living » Blog Archive » Cambodia Barworld Studies: Bar Banishment… WHAT THE FUCK???? And yeah, how cute is the made up story about me there too: Yeah. She was my girlfriend in California for a couple months when I was picking oranges. I took the photo, but we both had prints. So she probably scanned hers and...
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On the Road to Recovery

Interim Prime Minister has been named, and his name is General Surayud Chulanont. The former military leader is taking the spotlight among criticism that the “junta” is still controling the government for the year until the promised election. Sure, he has a military background, but he is also trusted by the King. If the King’s game, I’m game. Not to mention, picking Surayud for this post over the WTO guy (I’m sorry I forgot his name) is a good choice. Why? So when times come for the election, we’ll have someone qualified and available to run the country. The last...
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Yes. The Trojans beat Nebraska Cornhuskers to pulp yesterday 28-10. We didn’t have a good start to begin with, and on the 3rd drive of the game, this happened. Surely an injury that ends this season. Please all wish Ryan Powdrell the best. And pray for the Trojan offense to shape up after such loss. Also, even before the game, there was another kind of pain many of the current USC students experienced outside the Coliseum. Apparently USC sold 12,000 Activity Cards, essentially your season tickets for almost all home games, but only alloted 8,000 in the student section. The...
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