Within one week I have been to a cooking demo and wine tasting with a gaggle of girls, to hanging out with furry police dogs, to sitting in a funeral service. Thursday got me into a fun evening sponsored by Fresh&Easy. Always love it when you put girls together in a room and let the wine flow. 🙂 Sunday got me into the Orange County Police Canine Association show at the Orange County Fair. If you remember, I go to one of these every year in the fall to support our friend Steve and his canine Lycos. This year, they’ve...
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#1 first day in COW SCHOOL Found on Flickr by Wild*Dreams. We were watching a National Geographic documentary Stone Henge Decoded. There was a scene when the archeology team starts to dig around the outside of the Durrington Walls.  There was a shot of all these cows gathered by the fence, seemingly to gawk at the humans. Kind of like this. “How cute!” Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. “Look at all them lookymoos!” *** #2 Southern California finally returns to its natural state of sunny and warm this weekend. “I’m sooo glad we can be out and about...
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Ah. Columbus Day. A holiday where everyone else you know outside of government is hard at work. Usually, Brandon would be off work today too, but Mr. Crazy Pants over there had scheduled a 2-day training course for today and tomorrow. Here in my home office at 9:30 a.m. on Monday with a mug of tea. It feels like I’m playing hooky. It has been a very short and exhausting weekend so I’m grateful for today. As you know, Saturday early afternoon was all zombie stuff. Later that evening, we were at the Orange County Police Canine Association benefit show. ...
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