Dogs, God and everything in between

Within one week I have been to a cooking demo and wine tasting with a gaggle of girls, to hanging out with furry police dogs, to sitting in a funeral service. Thursday got me into a fun evening sponsored by Fresh&Easy.  Always love it when you put girls together in a room and let the wine flow. 🙂 Sunday got me into the Orange County Police Canine Association show at the Orange County Fair. If you remember, I go to one of these every year in the fall to support our friend Steve and his canine Lycos.  This year, they’ve...
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August Rush

I was putting the laundry in the washer yesterday, an automatic motion I usually don’t think about much any more. Coins in.  Water runs for a few seconds.  Add soap. Let water run some more.  Add laundry. A thought popped into my head. “When was that first time you used the washing machine?” I grew up in Thailand in a household full of service staff. In the 3-attached home complex, 3 families, each with its own maid, shared a cook,  a groundskeeper, a laundry lady, and a driver. Pretty much everything has always been done for me.  The cooking. The...
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Pieces of You

Undeniably, especially with my involvement with Thrill the World this past year, Michael Jackson has somehow ALWAYS been a part of my life. My knowledge of MJ is backward than from most people.  I was growing up in an era in Thailand where trends and pop cultures arrived months, if not years, later than in America/UK. It was my brothers who introduced me to MJ after his famous moonwalk on MTV.  I remembered the MTV video we bought and watched, and watched and watched.  At some point, I remember my brother Onk had learned the theory of the moonwalk from...
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Crash Test Oakley

I’m not safe on a bike. Never have been. But I insist on getting on the thing so I can spend time with Brandon.  Not to mention that it’s fun. Y’all remember my little blue Townie? After the stunts I pulled yesterday, I now have a name for the bike. Wallbait. You’ll see why here in a bit. Feeling ambitious on Sunday, I proposed that we rode from our place to the Alamitos Bay Farmers’ Market in Long Beach so I can pick up some fresh veggies.  After all, Brandon hooked up my cargo department so my little bucket won’t...
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Cook Bake Geek

It’s been a crazy weekend.  But super fun. AND productive. First of all, Brandon has FINALLY came out of the severe sinus infection that he had.  And with abundant energey fueled by cabin fever, he ran errands all over town for me on Friday. Because, you see, on Saturday, I threw a casual baby shower for a coworker and his girlfriend at my friend Amy’s house.  I made these surprisingly gorgeous and delicious pasta carbonara tartlets and fruity modification of the Italian Scroppino (lemon sorbet + prosecco + splash of vodka). After all of that, I came running home to...
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Women Rule

Why would women want to be like men? I mean, yes, we deserve to have the same pay for our skills and all of that. But there are some who try to prove that us women can be just like the men. But we are not. And why should we be like them? I believe that women shouldn’t try to be like men  because, well, crap, we are not them.  There’s not good reason why I would want to be a man. Well, outside of the ability to pee anywhere.  But I digress. We are built differently.  We have strengths...
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