Coming up for air

…figuratively and literally. It’s been a crazy week at work that ended with Talk Like A Pirate and bridal shower Friday in the office.  I threw some mean party, y’all! Pirate by day and zombie by night, later on on Friday night, I trekked down to Irvine to practice with Thrill the World OC at Atomic Ballroom.  They have a big group going.  LA Team: We have to catch up! My right shoulder-neck muscles hated me.  So did my thighs.  (Lots of squats and deep knee bends in this dance!) Saturday, off to Brenda and Jon’s reception at Astor Classics. ...
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Phototastic Friday: Pirate Edition

Ahoy me hearties! Me colors be raised this dawn! Updated: Captain Bubbles and the trusty Parrot Pat! Official Talk Like A Pirate instruction from the creator of the holiday, Capt’n Slappy and Ol’ Chumbucket. [youtube=] A favorite and very educational instruction video. [youtube=]...
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*I was supposed to post a warning a la spoiler alert any future Thai political comments here.  But this “alert” is NOT that.  As a matter of fact, it’s the opposite.  I will NOT be discussing politics. However, I will be discussing what politics is affecting my personal life.  So, my dearest Commenter “Ku”, you may so continue.* The Irish Cousin Robert commented that he was no longer the angriest commenter on my blog with my recent entry. Thai people have become just that these days. Angry. Frustrated. Confused. Fed up. Overwhelmed. Despaired. Saddened. All of the above. Even the...
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Fun day

Going to bed when I’m supremely tired has been working three nights so far.  It works better on the weekend, I’m sure.  Man, trying to get up to wash the Korean BBQ smoke out of my hair this morning was tough. It’s starting to cool at night in California a little bit. Cool when I left the house and when I got home.  It makes it really hard to get out of bed in the morning. When I got work, I gave my dad a call.  Of course, I caught him watching his nightly news and he filled me in...
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The way you move

“Make a letter U with your butt is how I can best describe this,” explained Adrienne on how to do that go-go dips to our Burlesque class of 4 tonight at Moondance Studios. “I don’t move so well at 71,” the lady in the front joked. “Oh, come on. You’re not that old,” Adrienne encouraged her more. “I’m serious!” “Adrienne, my mom is REALLY 71,” The other lady answered.  She looked like she’s in her late 40s if not early 50s. Jaws dropped around the room. “I’m the 5th child,” the Daughter said. “Out of 6.” I am so serious,...
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Sunday Morning

What I wrote to my brothers: I dreamed a lot last night. But one of the last thing was that I was home for Onk’s wedding. Don’t laugh. Who am I kidding. Laugh away! That’s the gist of the dream because it was all quite a bit mumbo jumbo. Something including the fact that dad’s was the only working shower in the house, that Ake still lives in his room and I am in mine, that we have a hot tub in the backyard (where I ended up having to take a bath in because daddy was STILL in the...
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