Shave that Sanchez

Dear Mark,

Obviously, you also have not learned from the past, my darling Sanchez.  USC has a Quarterback Facial Hair Curse, don’t you know by now?

(Picture from the LA Times)

Last year, John David Booty tried to grow some and we barely escaped.  Previously, it has never been good for either Matt Leinart or Carson Palmer.

Scruff amounts to bad.  All the QBs under Uncle Pete has suffer such fate.  If you’ve studied the history of our team, you might not have pondered the option.

I am sure you’re thinking that we’ve won by a giant landslide.  So what of this so called curse?  But sweetie, is that worth your twisted knee?  Seriously.  I mean, DUDE!

Besides, the stereotypical mustache you are trying out doesn’t look good on you.

So please, for the love of Troy, listen to this uberfan…who has since banish her husband from watching ANY and all USC games because every time he pays attention to it, we lost.  I KNOW what I’m talking about when it comes to superstition.

Fight on and get REALLY healthy soon,

– The OakMonster

1 Comment

  1. Olaina   •  

    I got so much Twitter during the game (7!!! 8 including the one about the game starting and you going to the couch) that my phone offered to block you. 🙁

    Just thought that might make you chuckle, uberfan indeed.

    May the USC team be reading your blog and taking your advice…

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