Night Owl

I miss being a night owl. With my work schedule and daily life, I can’t really stay up till midnight and head to work.  I mean, given that I get to sleep on my way in to work, but I’d still be tired there.  Sometimes, my body seems to function well with a little sleep as long as I nap hard during my commute or sleep really well at night.  But those nights are few and far between. I love working on the computer later at night versus earlier in the evening.  For one thing, I seem to write better...
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Cows did come home

Finally. A two-day ordeal of my birthday celebration has come to a close. And boy has it been FUN!! Friday was my company’s Thanksgiving potluck and birthday party for November people. We are getting better at not bringing too much food, but still have a whole bunch of leftover in the end. Needless to say, after the turkey and fixings, ham, 4 different salads, massive amount of dessert and ice cream later, that afternoon was pretty much in a blissful food coma haze. That evening right after work, Brandon came up to town and we headed over to the Library...
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I survived the three days from hell. You know that monthly big meeting I have? Usually, it’s 3-woman team running the show.  Last month, we lost Eva so it was a 2-woman team.  This time, Celeste is off in Amsterdam/Germany, so guess who ran the show…on top of everything that needs to be done for the gala 2 weeks away? Me. I did it. With the help of my colleagues at work.  Everyone pitched in.  Everyone handed in his/her stuff as requested.  People were doubling up duties left and right and at some point I just held the helm and...
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She cooks. She sews. She celebrates!

While Brandon was down at Miramar with Justin and Erik, having a boy’s day out looking at planes at the air show and turning themselves into cooked lobsters, I labored away at my first part of my Halloween costume while watching Top Gear and Dr. Who marathon. Behold, the Jedi robe, made from scratch! Brandon helped me pin the bottom hem. It was curved so I couldn’t quite just measure 8-inch to cut all the way around and have the same length. My poor sun burned husband was at my feet, helping me shorten my robe. But it’s finished, finally....
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What weekend?

Friday night out with the girls in Downtown LA. Holy shit did we have a great time! Takami was fantastic and Elevate was hoppin’ once the DJ arrived. We met some cool new people after trying in vain to get rid of some assholes. So much fun! Saturday, B and I ran some errands which I ended with a bottle of Limoncello in one hand and tawny port in the other. And then I fell in love with a condo 2 doors down from us. They had an open house and these two cats totally indulge our curiosity. Guys, I...
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I have done a LOT this weekend, well, aside from throwing up bad fish and chips. For one, we got ourselves a new couch… …and a new “computer station”. Brandon and I haven’t had a new couch since we have gotten together, so this is quite a big deal for us. We don’t really own much of any “real” furnitures. It’s either Ikea, Target, or someone gave us something. It’s quite a huge leap into respectable adulthood over here. Now, the TV stand, replacing a folding card table, is acting as Brandon’s computer station for the moment. We’re looking into...
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