There ye be, Capt’n Bubbles!

IMG_1109 Originally uploaded by theoakmonster. Yarrrr. Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day to yer from Captain Bubbles and Speedy Lopez! What’s on my shirt? That be skulls and cross bones. Yarrrr!  More here. And yes, I dressed like a pirate to the monthly meeting with our investors today. This, minus the bandana, that is.  Corporate Pirate, anyone?  Actually, it was quite well received as a picker-upper opener for the meeting on a gloomy day. So, up at 5 a.m. to get to the office and prep the meeting.  (I’m the full-time A/V girl now, don’t cha know.)  After that, I...
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Girl Time

I know I do rant about how boys make cool friends once in a while, but when it comes down to what a girl needs, a small girl’s night out is always the best therapy. I’m happily suffering a bit of a discomfort from stuffing my face with sushi, washed down with a bit of sake, and topping off with a mini cup of strawberry cheesecake frozen yogurt. An evening out eating and chatting with your girl friends, although may not help with possible indigestion, totally enhances the warm and fuzzy food coma. Aurora, Lupe and I were the remainder...
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Monday. Ack.

Weekend. Gone. Saturday. Justin & Olaina. Zoo. Fun. Then Urban Mo’s (where she works). Off the fuckin’ hook! Giant burgers. Strong margaritas. Gay cowboys. Oh my! Sunday. Paul & Lupe. Gaffey Street Diner. More good eats. Afternoon wandering the mall for 3 hours. And they didn’t even work on the car at the shop. Feh. Allergy attacks. Naps impossible. Geeked out instead. And fixed the side bar. Hooray!! Much meds. Not much sleep. Today. In Benedryl Haze. With a sore nose. And my pants fits funny. Damn it. DAMN IT!...
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Nothing brings out the giggles like a free lunch at a fancy schmancy downtown sushi joint. And some random poetry from elHeffe: …was a girl named Oakley, She was so hot they called her Smokely, And ever did she try, To sell you pie in the sky, Disguised as a really expensive table at some awards ceremony for this thing that no one knows about, but Oakley would convince you it was the greatest thing since double-stuffed Oreos. And Brandon saying to me first thing when I walked in the door: Baby, can we just order pizza and the potato...
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Droplets of joy

A surprise gift in the mail. * Olaina sent me Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warrior band that was just a wee little bit too big. A REALLY big plastic bag. * Not as much fun as a really big box though. A cake you successfully baked and prepped the night before and frosted at 5:30 a.m. * Giada rules! And before y’all think I’m crazy, this cake was for my company potluck. I can’t frost it overnight because the hazelnut brittles would’ve melted into the frosting and it won’t be any good. Jason Chambers, my newest “celebrity” crush. * Well, he’s...
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Social Calendar Explosion

Suddenly, I’m all over the place! That is why I haven’t really written much. Tuesday night, I led my fearless coworkers out to an early night of drinking at the Library Bar. It was so GOOD to be home! 🙂 (Well, we WERE going to the tres chic Edison but they were closed for private party.) In addition to our crew, we made some new friends from that Big Bank Across the Street. The gentlemen came to our event last month and a few contact emails later, they were inviting us out to drinks and vice versa. And voila! Instant...
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