The Den Makeover

If you were here a few hours ago, you would’ve said, “WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE??” But now, I fixed it. And I made it better! At the encouragement of Kitz, I played around with CSS to upgrade the look of the Den. And got stuck with hideous weird format I couldn’t get out of. So I wiped the entire thing out and start with a fresh Blogger template, saving my side bar links on a Notepad. I tweaked and tweaked and played with photoshop and tweaked and pasted the codes back in and tweaked and deleted and deleted and...
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Uber. Pownage.

South Park – the World of Warcrat Episode. 20-some minutes of hilarity only gamer geeks can understand. Speaking of geek and nerdy, here’s my favorite video of the moment: [youtube=]...
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Buzz…doesn’t kill

3 TIVO’ed shows and 2 glasses of wine later, here I am! I’m buzzed. Hi. But even if I’m nice and alcoholized, I must stay true to my blogger duty and induct 2 new people to my blogroll. First, my “cousin” Nicky. Nicky is Aunty Tim’s youngest son and Aunty Tim is a friend of the family. Hence, the honorary Asian relative title. Nicky takes amazing photos and he finally finds his place on the web on Xanga. It doesn’t get updated often (well, not as often as I’d like to see anyway) but when he updates it, it’s massive...
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Simpson v.s. Star Trek

I know. I’m ADD again. That’s what I do when I’m starting to stress out. I procrastinate. I was on YouTube looking for the footage of OK Go! doing “Here it goes again” treadmill video LIVE on VMA. (For those who haven’t seen this, not only it’s a fantastic video but the band is pretty awesome too.) And I found this. [youtube=]...
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W00t! Coming Soon! I’ve found a lot of my readers start marking me down for, so I might as well register the darn name. I won’t be leaving this joint anytime soon though. Don’t know if I have time to tinker with another site just yet. But when I’m ready, Chris Cactus, you’ll be hearing from me. 🙂...
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A Rewarding Weekend

I’m up to my ears in HTML, hacking and slashing and adding things to one of our sites which is way outdated and mickeymoused beyond believe. And they want to add LOTS of data. No fun at all to hard code. I’m cheating though, using Dreamweaver to make the file then steal the code and plop it on to the old stuff. Why not use Dreamweaver altogether? These files are so honked up that all the errors are showing up on the design screen that it drives me nuts. That’s why. Anyway. I’m taking a little break from the madness...
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