April’s Sh*t Storm

The King Never Smiles by Paul M. Handley is coming out on April 16. It is a look at Thailand’s beloved King Bhumibhol in a way that no Thais would ever do: telling the story of a King as a person not a demi-god we make him to be. This summer marks the King’s 60th year on the throne, making him the longest reigning monarch in the world. The release date of this book in April is purely coincidental my ass, Yale! I don’t really object your coming out with a book, but can you show any less respect for...
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We meet again, Potter

I finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I am starting on Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix because all the references this one made to it, I barely remember. The following section will be written in “Invisible Ink” for your protection as I will discuss my thoughts about Half-Blood Prince which obviously contains TONS AND TONS OF SPOILERS!! Use your mouse to highlight the section if you wish to read on. And oh yes, profanity abounds. Watch out, kiddies. THAT FUCKIN’ SNAPE!!! Oh, sorry. I meant, I LOVE the book. The best one yet! So much fun to...
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When Harry Meets Oakley

PRAY to the gods that my copy of Harry Potter would be here on Monday. We have so many books in our reading line up right now, including my never ending attempt at reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (Yes. I’m still gnawing at this one!), but I’ll wait for Harry. Brandon discovered his new favorite in Barb & J.C. Hendee’s series about Magiere, the half human half vampire, vampire slayer. A mix of Buffy and Blade taking place in Middle Earth sort of thing. And we just bought the latest 2 books in Jim Butcher’s Wizard Harry Dresden series:...
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