Happy Earth Day. I’m not much of an environmentalist but I’m slowly becoming a plastic bag usage nazi. I have canvas bags in my car and use them for my grocery shopping everywhere, and I refuse to take any plastic bags whenever I can carry my own loot out of the store…which was met with a LOT of “Are you sure?” Yes I AM sure I can carry my prescription and a bottle of Nyquil out on my own. Yes I AM sure a loaf of bread, a pack of sliced cheese, and 2 tomatoes won’t need a bag. Yes...
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Oh yeah. Friday was a HELL of a day. It actually started Thursday night. Thursday night We had dinner and sampled ridiculous variety of beer with Paul and Lupe at Beachwood Barbecue. I finally had my Mac and Cheese, the BEST I’ve had and lord knows how many sips of whats I had. Nice and buzzed, I got home to a monstrous task of trying to watch most DVR’ed shows as I can before we get the box replaced on Friday. And what a week to have the DVR taken away too! Since I haven’t been home all week, Brandon...
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Just got back from seeing Watchmen with Brandon and Lee. Lee, who is a big fan of the graphic novel, gave it a 4 out of 5. She said if we liked this, we definitely have to get the book, which we intend to do just that. Wow. What a revelation! It was stylized just enough. Violent in all the necessary places. I might need to talk to somebody about my mental state because Rorschach is definitely my hero now. Trailers were also massively awesome. Possibly the best line up of trailers: Wolverine, Star Trek, Terminator, and, for some of...
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I had a feeling I might have done this before but for the life of me, I can’t find it on the blog. I guess if I can’t remember, then it never really happened. Since I got tagged bajillion times on Facebook for this, and for some reason I’m not even tired, here’s my random 25. I’m ambidextrous. Sort of. Think I was born a lefty but then was made to use my right hand. I write with my right. Shoot hoops and pick up heavy stuff with my left. I bat left because as a lefty forced to play...
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I have a very, very deep post idea in my Nyquil haze before I fell asleep last night. I think it looks a lot like this. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqSjSRy7RXQ]...
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If I haven’t been able to get this song out of my head since I’ve seen it on The Graham Norton Show Christmas Special, you shouldn’t be able to either. Here. Have yourself some Tim Minchin. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6raVzrbqrM] ETA: Brandon sent this to me from Explosm.net after my attempts to get the song above out of my head all day yesterday. True dat!...
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