Amy and Chris had different reasons for their sleepless nights. Mine was possibly self inflicted.
For the third night in a row, I woke up in the middle of night from horrible nightmares.
Not sure what it was on Monday night, but I woke up drenched in cold sweat and my heart beating fast, feeling quite horrified from whatever it was I dreamed about. Obviously I was tired enough to fall right back asleep.
Tuesday night, I dreamed that I was a part of an undercover team, discovering neighborhood teenage gang. I came around the corner from talking to my police contact to find the back door of my car opened. I walked around and found a few kids ripping the speakers and random bits out of my car. I yelled at them to stop and they stopped on one side of the car, just to go to the other side and started doing the same thing.
Somewhere in there, I got inside the car as somebody opened the hood. Flames started to rise from there. I hurried out of the car, screaming at these kids. Someone doused me with gasoline.
Brandon actually woke me up because I was crying out. Obviously, it took me a long time to go back to sleep from that one.
Last night was even more trippy. I had a nightmare IN my nightmare. In the dream’s nightmare, I saw faceless people crawling up from the shadows in my bedroom back home and they were coming after me. I woke up and I was pretty sure the shadow people were still after me. So I ran out of my bedroom, calling my maid’s name, but she wasn’t downstairs.
So I ran into my parents’ room. Stood in the bathroom were my mom and dad…sans face. They were shadow people too.
I woke up whimpering.
You know it’s bad when you’re having a dream about your nightmare. And I never thought I would actually dread going to bed like this. Perhaps I need to employ some sleep aid for the night.
Er… are you eating to heavily before bed? Changed your diet? Wow… those are pretty intense. I would have FREAKED about the shadow faces on my parents! Um, possibly a book plot? You said you write?