Obviously, we’re a Halloween household. I usually start planning the costumes earlier in the year. Some year, we don’t have to do too much. Some year, we’d go all out.
This year, I am determined to go as the TARDIS incarnated as a cute blue dress [ETA] a blue velvet corset and a tutu with a hat that glows. Here are my digital “drafts”, a quick and crude Photoshop image of what my outfit could/would look like.

Final draft. In the works!

Original idea.
But out from that came the idea to do a group costume with our friends James and Aurora, and her sister Lee.
I mean, we’ve done a group costume before years ago as the Firefly gang. (That’s Lee as Kaylee.) Nobody knew who we were. And we had no party to go to. But we did it anyway because, well, it’s Halloween!
As for this year, James has dibs on being an Ood. We’re considering having me making a t-shirt for James’ 1-year-old daughter that says “My name is Melody Pond”. Either Aurora or Lee will be Madame Kovarian. And we’re hoping we can put their 3-year-old son into a little suit and bow tie. If not, we can always make him a little Cyberman.
As for Brandon, after much deliberation and cost analysis, he was talked into be Rory’s fellow Centurion. (He can’t be Rory because that means shaving!)
Upon researching, I found that the cost for Brandon’s outfit will come up to be quite a lot. While mine will probably be too, but I’d wear that again for other random occasions. So I asked if he’d ever wear his Centurion outfit again after Halloween.
B: It’s not like I can wear this again any other time. I mean, it’s not the right time period to wear to Renaissance Faire either.
O: You’re right. […light bulb moment!…] But wait. You CAN be the Centurion at Ren Faire!
B: How?
O: Dude. I’m the fucking TARDIS! You got to the Renaissance because you’re with ME!!!!
B: Oh god. We’re going to one of THOSE people.
You know, folks showing up at Ren Faire in other sci-fi cosplays…because they’re time traveling. While we get a laugh out of that, the whole genre mashing does ticks off some serious Ren Faire folks something fierce.
Did we mention that last year, there was a girl who dressed up as the 4th Doctor?
Brandon pointed her out as she jogged past. Of course, being the Doctor, she’d be running…
I called out after her, “But Doctor! I thought you regenerated…like 3-4 times now!?”
She turned around, laughing, and gave me some Jelly Babies. It was quite awesome.
Anyhoo. If we were to go through with the TARDIS at the Faire experience, it would only be more worthwhile if our friend BGF Central would follow us around, throwing her combat bible at us.
Ooooh. Funnage!
What are you guys thinking about for Halloween this year? Have you even thought about it yet? ;-D