What can I say about the weekend?

You know what I was going to say about this weekend? Of course you do. Fan. Fucking. Tastic! Well, except for the death of Mario Danelo. Everything else has been fabulous. First of all, I went running on Friday. Well, I did “run” for 10 minutes straight at 3.2 (or was it 3.7??) speed before I started to run out of breath. That really surprised me given that the last time I tried to run, I ran out breath in the first 5 minutes. The machine is making me keep a pace, so that helps a bunch. I know I...
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Oh, the last Friday of 2006

How I love thee. Let me count the ways! First. I made dinner tonight and it kicks major ass! Rachael Ray’s Steak dinner set (I used thawed, frozen spinach instead of kale) is phenomenal. I adjusted everything down to make food for 2 and it’s perfect. Second. Finally opened the Santa Cristina 2003 Sangiovese wine Brenda gave me for Christmas last year. It’s fantastic. Third. Blogger came through and revert me back to my original form. Back on the Old Blogger! Yeeeeees! Sure, I lost a few new posts…not that they were all that interesting anyway, right?…and the nifty tags,...
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Best. Time. Ever.

Last night party? Fan. Fuckin’. Tastic! We drank. Who was I kidding when I started with a glass of champagne? Boddington’s is THE only way at a British party, baby! We schmoozed. Hello to fellow tablemates, Scott, Lee–my ale buddy, and Dave King of the Dance Floor! We ate. Mulligatawny soup, how I love thee lemme count the way! And the pudding. THE PUDDING!!! We danced. The band ROCKED MY WORLD! It’s supposed to be the music from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. But once they played the 80s, the floor was packed. So most of the night, it was...
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4-Day Recap

Well heck, I got the pictures. So why not go over this again real quick? Turkey Day We ate with Justin and Olaina down in San Diego. Here’s a few pictures from our camera. And Olaina has more. Plus the story you’ll have to read from Turkey 4.0 onward. Day After Dinner with my aunty and her family. Here’s a picture of the lobster trying to escape. (Poor #3.65. He was gone when we left.) And of course, May helped light my dinner shot with her flash. LOL. Saturday A whole lotta nothing got done except for us organizing the...
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Season’s eating

Well, kids. It was a good thing that I gorged myself over the holiday. My body could use a bit of the extra stored fat. Because as of lunch yesterday, I haven’t eaten anything. So much for thinking I was back to normal. Apparently, my stomach still doesn’t appreciate a little wee bit of heat. I could handle a bacon wrapped hot dog, but not chilli. Pad Kraprow Gai–chicken with Thai basil and garlic…and a bit of chilli–managed to play nice for most of the day Sunday and decided not to any more around dinner time. And I haven’t been...
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