Wall Tree

Here’s my first art purchase! Well, kind of. I won the art but paid for the frame. Heh. I won “Seventeen” from a contest on Raven’s blog a while back. It’s been sitting in my office since then, waiting to get custom framed. But then I talked to Raven and she said that Mike, her husband the artist, can do the custom framing too. They delivered the frame to my house. AND hung it for me. AND Raven also brought over the Tahitian Vanilla bath salt  I couldn’t get out of my head since the Brewery Art Walk and my...
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1.  It’s FRIDAY!!! 2.  Brandon’s back from D.C.  Happy dance, happy dance! 3.  Gay marriage ban is lifted in California. 4.  The newest of the Iron Man v.s. Batman video is out. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiBhLayXlwA]...
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Athena needs a home ASAP

ETA #2: The girls couldn’t place Athena in a shelter so they dumped her at Cal State Long Beach.  Apparently there is a ground where people feed all the strays and feral cats. Thanks everyone for the help to try to place Athena in a good home even from the shelter. ETA: The manager came back on Saturday afternoon, and once again lost her shit about the cat. The girls had to take Athena to a shelter straight away. We have all SUNDAY to get her to a home. The girls are going to take her to a shelter on...
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Lost. Love.

I KNEW it was too good to be true when Athena started to hang out with us, when she comes running to me when she hears the jangles of the keys, when she sits purring on our floor begging us to rub her belly and every elsewhere on her fluffy black coat with a twinge of orange tabby pattern. I don’t think it wouldn’t have been a big deal if the manager lady found Athena napping on the wicker chair, but the food and water bowls set the woman off. According to the girls, the lady lost her shit and...
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Matt the Lost Boy launched his top 100 Thailand blogs ranking. Guess who came in at #21? ETA: Ranking changed daily.  So I’ve dropped like gazillion spots since the launch.  Haha!  Get over there and help me at least stay on the list, okay? I am surprised and honored to actually get to share the edge of the spotlight where the really good blogs about Thailand are featured. My blog is more of a personal rant and rave with some Thai flavors. Well, heck, I’m Thai! What other flavor is this blog going to have? Even my husband says that...
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Joke of the Day

Someone asked if I’ve heard this one yet. “What do you call two Mexicans playing basketball?” I replied, “jumping beans?” “No…” the someone laughed. “That’s so wrong.” “Well, what do you call them then?” “Juan on Juan.” Yes.  We both will be keeping our day jobs....
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