My coworker Lianne had her baby boy KJ (Kevin James) last night just past midnight. He’s the couple’s first child.
Celeste and I went to see the baby and mommy around lunch time, taking with us flowers on behalf of the company and a camera. Good Samaritan Hospital was not very far from our office. We could’ve walked but we weren’t in sensible shoes for that kind of a hike so we had a little adventures on the Dash getting there and back.
The call that set the entire thing in motion came in this morning. Lianne called to report the birth time and baby weight.
Of all things, Lianne asked, “So who won the Baby Lotto?”
At the office baby shower, we had an office pool going for baby’s weight and birthday. At $16 for each category, Celeste got the right date and Nhien got the weight right on the money at 7 lbs. 2 oz.
Soon after the phone call, Celeste decided on our little excursion to visit KJ and Lianne.
Then it hit me.
Justin’s mom Toni passed away around 11 a.m. Soon after that, as Lianne was waiting for her OB/GYN’s appointment at the hospital, her water broke. (Talk about convenient!)
One life ends. Another begins.
Welcome to the world, Kevin James!
We took a bunch of pictures so hop over to Flickr to check it out. And I even have a video clip, my first YouTube clip ever! I knew the camera takes video but I didn’t know it has a mic.
awww… KJ is so cute and soooo very smallll. 🙂 Congrats to the couple! 🙂