Inspiration: My hair. I didn’t want to wash it so I started going through the closet for an outfit that I would work with a fauxhawk pony tail.
Components: Biker-ish boots. “Powered by Stark” from ThinkGeek. Iron Man fingerless gloves I bought from Geeky Mamas when it was still in Cerritos. However, I think they got it from Nerdifacts. And of course, the fauxhawk pony tail, a tribute to Tony’s awesome hair.
Challenges: I went through THREE outfits (Finding Nemo, Twisty the Clown, and even Jareth the Goblin King) before I landed on this one.
Comments from Muggles: Got quite a bit of “Hey, Stark Industries!” but not quite, “Hey, Iron Man.” Good enough for me!