Mrs. Hyde

Thursday night, I walked out of my office building toward the intersection as usual. I spotted these two younguns in suits, a girl and a very effeminate boy, walking toward me. They were deeply engaged in some lively conversation. He was talking with his hands and neither one of them were really paying any attention to where they were going. Seeing that, I started to make my way around them to my right so I could be out of their way. And I hoped that they would come to their senses once other pedestrians got closer to them. Did I...
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This morning, I woke up at 9 a.m. and made breakfast skillet, caught up on Tivo and ran a few errands with Brandon. It’s now 6 p.m. on a Saturday night. Greek beef roast is slowly cooking in the oven. USC is playing Cal on the television. Alas, life has returned to normal. Hello, friends. Welcome back to my life. The Nhien and Oakley Show aka the Big Gala dinner went extremely well. At least that is what I’ve been told. Personally, I was stuck in the auction the entire time, missing the program altogether, and didn’t get a bite...
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Oh, hello, life.

It was like returning home from a month abroad. Last night when I walked through the apartment door, it felt like I haven’t been there in ages.  The Big Gala is 2 days behind me and I still am doing the follow up, but the stress and frenzy had gone. The world is new to me again. Now, the reintroduction to my regular life.  It’ll take a few days....
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All work and No play

My plan of going to the office on Saturday morning and hitting Homecoming at USC in the afternoon was brilliant. Take the Disneyland bus in all the way to Downtown. Take a Dash to campus. Party and see old friends for a while, then off to pick up the Disneyland bus home directly from 37th Street. Brilliant, right? Well, except for the fact that I got so much to do that I couldn’t even get out of the building in time to get home for almost the first half of the game, that plan was absolutely brilliant. Oh, and of...
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It’s NOVEMBER!!!!! The Big Gala is now 5 days away!!!! My birthday is in 2 weeks!!!! And Thanksgiving a week after that!!?!?!?!?! Wow. Before I really panic, let me tell you about MY Christmas yesterday. Something to distract me from the stress of the Big Gala. Brandon’s office, despite what is going on with their boss, still had some Halloween spirit. Mine did too but it didn’t manifest as a costume party. I may be the only person dressed up full on in the office with a few who don the orange and black and putting on the “ears” I...
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