The good ones are finally all up on my Flickr set. Here are a few....
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Unless you are a gamer geek, this image here will not make any sense. To me, this is hilarious....
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It’s more than photos. It’s everything! First. My costume for the office. Killer Rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Yes, I do have the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch on my person…just not showing her on the pic. Next. Thanks to Kuri, the scariest music. Ever. I mean, I’m stressed out listening to the first 10 minutes. Have to clense that out with Thriller Krazy. [youtube=] Finally, Thrill the World Worldwide video. Yep. 4,176 people around the world plus me were doing this at the same time. [youtube=]...
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Yesterday was so crazy busy I didn’t have a chance to blog. With that, I would like to present the winners of Dancing with the Stars!...
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My most impulsive purchase of the year and my first ever full-made costume purchase finally arrived. Also, probably the most unique wedding present ever bought. I bought the costume set for my friend. The groom is a Star Wars fan and the bride is a quite a knock-out. Somehow, they never thought of dressing her in this. And I thought of it for them. A geeky good friend I am! While at it, I bought me one. Just in case somebody would invite us to a Halloween party this year, I would have something sexy to wear for a change. ...
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