Five For Friday: So long peanut butter pie, hello dance walking

Hooters Peanut Butter Pie is no more

Five for Friday is a weekly series about the five new things I learned each week. It could be anything from a new recipe, new skills, or a new life lesson. Welcome to the Five For Friday: Saturday edition! Because I’m a dork and I sent the publishing time wrong. LOL  I also learned something else new when I went out for a walk this morning. So…here you go! I Gained 10 lbs. For Nothing Well, I’m sure you’ve already read about my disappointment of not being able to donate blood despite finally having met the weight requirement. Le sigh…...
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10 Goals for 2012 - Oakley Boren

2011. The year of changes. So much so that I pretty much forgot that I had set goals for the year. Someone asks why I set goals. Well, I’m trying to set a habit-forming goals instead of something I know I can’t attain.  Whatever I did well, I’ll keep up with for the years to come. Goal #10 has been a growing list, and I would like to keep it growing each year. Now, let’s first look at what a failure I have been in 2011 before we move on to set goals for 2012. 2011 Recap: 5 out of...
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Ragu Napolitano

OakMonster - Food - Ragu Napoletano

It wasn’t difficult for me to fall in love with Italian cuisine. One of the restaurants we frequented growing up was Thailand’s first Italian establishment owned by a Thai guy. My dad’s friend, to be exact. My mom also made some killer bolognese in the slow cooker and I was always envied when I brought spaghetti to lunch at school. As you know, when I first started to cook when Brandon and I got married, it was Rachael Ray who got me into the kitchen, but I quickly graduated from her onto Giada DeLaurentiis. I can see some of you...
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Ghirardelli Intense Dark Pairings

While I *am* indeed the official partner of Ghirardelli and a hostess to the upcoming Ghirardelli Intense Dark Pairings event for the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, there was a glitch in promotion and folks are being sent here to OakMonster HQ for information on the event instead of to where all the coverage of the event will be. Click on the banner on right or… Click here and head on over to now! Get the information on the event and see how you can get on my invite list. Ah. The woes of having an internet empire. 😉...
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10 Goals for 2011

Before we move forward, let’s see how I did with 2010 goals, shall we? Goals for 2010: 6 out of 10 1. SUCCESS: Lacto-vegetarian Tuesdays. I totally rocked that. Sure, there were some accidental lapses and a few intentional ones, curiously some of those cases involved bacon.  But more or less, I did REALLY good. And I even threw in no alcohol to that mix. So yay me! 2. FAIL: One hour of piano/guitar/singing, twice a month. Another victim of my television habit. 3. SUCCESS: Keep up with Italian. Still going strong despite feeling like the village idiot in class....
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Whoop. There went 2010

It has been a crazy year.  You can tell by the infrequency of my posts.  Despite the fact that I have given up my involvement with Thrill the World almost completely (I still do twitter for TTW headquarter), I managed to remain as busy as ever. I mean, look at how neglected this blog is!!! Let’s take a look back this year, see what all I did, and give out some 2010 awards, shall we? 2010 in Pictures: Drinking Buddy of the Year: Bus Buddy Amanda We’ve been riding the bus together for a few years and carpooled together numerous...
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