Alcoholized Rambling

10 things on my mind for this rant rambling:

  1. I love Pyramid’s Apricot Ale.
  2. I love Bend It Like Beckham and yeah yeah I think Jonathan Rhys-Myers is cute as a blonde. Just not as cute as Becks. Or Brad Pitt.
  3. I love having the movie channels i.e. HBO, Cinemax, Starz and all the on-demand stuff. But good lord, if we do actually get it, I will NEVER leave the house ever again.
  4. I love my dance class even though it’s too darn short, and it’s not really as jazz as I thought. But I’ll be signing up for tap AND jazz next time.
  5. I love meatball sandwich from the Deli News.
  6. I love writing on my blog even though this is just a bunch of complete and total nonsense.
  7. I love using the Oakley-Speak words and confuse the hell out of people. Yeah man, I’m a thermos pants wearing, amphibious, alcoholized nutcase!
  8. I love being a one beer wonder because I save money that way.
  9. I love chatting with James online late at night…or during work day. James = funny.
  10. I love not caring about a damn thing after this but going to bed and read “Wicked”.


1 Comment

  1. 'Mazing Amy   •  

    My favorite:

    Yeah man, I’m a thermos pants wearing, amphibious, alcoholized nutcase!

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