In the news recently, it was reported that potential employers are now starting to google the names of their candidates to see what all pops up. Then they can use the information found, may it be the person’s site, blog, or comments posted elsewhere, to help with their hiring decisions.
Well, am I screwed because I’m out and about in the Webosphere?
Google me and you’ll find this blog among other things. You’ll find my post on Omidyar during Katrina as I was trying to help out. You’ll find comments I have sent to Thailand’s newspapers. You’ll find my day job and other work related stuff. You’ll even find a person who shares my name.
As for the biggest offender, this blog, well hell if I was afraid someone is going to find this, why did I ever start one up with my own name on it?
I post my personal thoughts and opinions on my blog. I display my strangeness and quirks proudly. I do have a pretty good sense of self censorship on topics and information I post, but fuck yeah I use profanity on my blog. I talk about my work life on my blog (Hi, Demi-Boss!) and sometimes I even do that during work hours.
(As you can see today though, I’m posting 10 minutes before I officially clock in. Heh.)
So yeah. If I have something to hide, I wouldn’t be here. And things that I want to hide wouldn’t be posted.
And hopefully the future employers can actually learn more about ME from my web presence and appreciate my personality and whatever else I have to offer.
Though this has absolutely nothing to do with your post, I went and made a blog. O:
It calls for a celebration, minus the false enthusiasm and forced smiles.
Uh. I don’t know how to delete comments, so if you can, then please do.