Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Originally uploaded by theoakmonster.

When I called Mommy last night, it was noon their time. The hospital room was buzzing with activity. The Aunties were all there. Ake, my oldest brother, answered the phone.

Mom said they were having her favorite food from See Fah Restaurant and white chocolate cake. She said that she’s eating the cake first. Hahaha!

We are all grateful that you get to celebrate another birthday with us. At some point in the last few months, we feared this day would never come. But here you are, getting better everyday and kicking both cancer’s and stroke’s asses. In a few more days, you’d be at home again. It’ll be different, but at least I’m glad dad and Onk can see you a lot more than before. Part of my feeling guilty for being so far away I guess. I just get so worried.

Once you’re home, I’m sure we’d be able to get you out and about town pretty soon. Heck, I’ll wheel you everywhere when I visit next time. It’ll be just like the old days except with wheelchair. Or perhaps you’d be walking by the time I get back, even better!

Mommy – I love you. And I’m so proud of you for being so brave!

1 Comment

  1. Korbua   •  

    Happy B’day P’Oh’s mummy!!!! 🙂

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