Ass-kickin’ in Pink

There’s something highly satisfactory about punching with hot pink punching gloves. Yesterday when I stopped at Shane’s gym for a spell, I spot a pair of these laying by the punching bag. I tried them on and got quite a giggle out of them.So I returned today to the gym, having had a day from hell and approaching deadline…well fuck, tomorrow IS the deadline, donned the gloves and give the bag a good beating. The bag? It’s fine. My hands, not so much. But my god. It felt so good to beat on something. With hot pink gloves. I mean,...
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There ye be, Capt’n Bubbles!

IMG_1109 Originally uploaded by theoakmonster. Yarrrr. Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day to yer from Captain Bubbles and Speedy Lopez! What’s on my shirt? That be skulls and cross bones. Yarrrr!  More here. And yes, I dressed like a pirate to the monthly meeting with our investors today. This, minus the bandana, that is.  Corporate Pirate, anyone?  Actually, it was quite well received as a picker-upper opener for the meeting on a gloomy day. So, up at 5 a.m. to get to the office and prep the meeting.  (I’m the full-time A/V girl now, don’t cha know.)  After that, I...
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Arrr ye ready?

I have to wake up in about 5.5 hours. Finally, the sugar I have consumed while making and decorating my Devil’s Food Cake with Chocolate Rum Frosting has worn off. Oh, I made some marshmallow skulls and treasure chests…so I kinda had to eat the ones that didn’t look good. Heh. Talk Like A Pirate Day is tomorrow. Captain Bubbles be strikin’ dah investers’ meeting in her “Professional Pirate” outfit that oughtta shiver yer timber. Yarrrr! I’ll put the pictures of the Pirate cupcakes and the 2nd annual pig cupcakes up soon. I promise! In the mean time, I uploaded...
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Dream a little dream

…of mom. Apparently, mom has been paying a visit to a few of us here and there. Last week, I woke up sobbing hysterically and freaked the hell out of Brandon.  After a long crazy dream about me being a failure (..something about burning something on the stove top when all I had to do was reheating a frozen block of soup, someone came into the house with a pet meerkat, and everyone was looking at me as if I just came off the short bus for burning that fucking soup…), I somehow ended up in a mall with my...
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Back in the game

USC Trojans football team.  How I love thee! Oh, yeah, baby.  I am soooooo back with the football season after having missed the opener two weeks ago.  There was no college football on Thailand’s cable, by the way.  Just, oh, I don’t know, 3 channels of soccer and one that seems to be alternating between ML baseball and rugby.  I think once NFL starts up, you get a few games in there too. Anyway.  I got a big ol’ welcome back to the realm of the Trojans by spending the entire evening in front of James and Aurora’s gigantic screen...
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Girl Time

I know I do rant about how boys make cool friends once in a while, but when it comes down to what a girl needs, a small girl’s night out is always the best therapy. I’m happily suffering a bit of a discomfort from stuffing my face with sushi, washed down with a bit of sake, and topping off with a mini cup of strawberry cheesecake frozen yogurt. An evening out eating and chatting with your girl friends, although may not help with possible indigestion, totally enhances the warm and fuzzy food coma. Aurora, Lupe and I were the remainder...
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